Типографика: Цвет, Контраст и Масштаб - Lynda.com

Тони Старк

Lynda.com Типографика: Цвет, Контраст и Масштаб

Enhance the clarity and impact of your type—and your message—with effective use of color, contrast, and scale. Designer Ina Saltz shows you how to use these three elements to elevate your design above the rest. Learn how to choose a typeface, weight, size, and color for your type, and balance its scale in relation to the other graphic elements. Plus, discover how to develop your typographic eye by studying great designs and figuring out how and why they work.
Topics include:
  • Creating tonal weight with type
  • Selecting and using color
  • Creating contrast with size
  • Lifting type on complex backgrounds
  • Adding drama with typographic scale
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