Shimmer Photoshop Action


Член Клуба
Shimmer Photoshop Action

Creating stunning light effects from your photos with this easy to use action!
Every time you run the action you will get a different result, even if you use the same brushed area! You then have full layer control, so if there is a sparkle you don’t want then simply hide the layer, or you can even duplicate layers to build more sparkles. 10 color options are also created by the action.

The action has been tested and working on Photoshop (English version) CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6,CC.

The action will ONLY work on English versions of Photoshop.

Cкрытый контент, нужно авторизируйся или присоединяйся.


Я так поняла, для правильной обработки данными экшенами требуется фотошоп энглиш версии.
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