Член Клуба
Description: Panel for Aobe Photoshop which allows you to work comfortably with two Pantone Colors: Rose Quartz & Serenity
This panel help you:
Panel support all languages and available for CS4, CS5.0 CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015+
This panel help you:
- Create Solid Color with Rose Quarts/Serenity colors
- Set foreground color on Rose Quarts/Serenity
- Set background color Rose Quarts/Serenity
- Fill layers with Rose Quarts/Serenity colors
- Create gradient map for tint your pictures
- Fast switching required blending modes
- Create gradient with this colors
Panel support all languages and available for CS4, CS5.0 CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015+
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