[Lynda.com] CSS: Основные концепции (русский перевод)
Взнос с каждого участника фиксированный: 350 руб.
Цена перевода: 66650 руб.
Содержание на английском
Favrik: ПереводАвтор: James Williamson
Продолжительность: 8:49 чLynda.com [RUS]
CSS: Основные концепции
(CSS: Core Concepts)
Взнос с каждого участника фиксированный: 350 руб.
Цена перевода: 66650 руб.
Содержание на английском
- Introduction 4m 57s
- Welcome 55s
- Using the exercise files 4m 2s
- 1. CSS Basics 1h 7m
- Exploring default styling 4m 56s
- CSS authoring tools 2m 29s
- CSS syntax 4m 45s
- Writing a selector 4m 10s
- Setting properties 8m 40s
- Common units of measurement 7m 47s
- Inline styles 5m 1s
- Embedded styles 5m 19s
- Using external style sheets 10m 34s
- Checking for browser support 8m 48s
- Dealing with browser inconsistencies 5m 30s
- 2. Targeting Page Content 2h 15m
- Structuring HTML correctly 2m 51s
- Element selectors 4m 52s
- Class selectors 6m 4s
- ID selectors 3m 27s
- Using classes and IDs 10m 7s
- Element-specific selectors 4m 35s
- The universal selector 5m 42s
- Grouping selectors 4m 49s
- Descendent selectors 7m 32s
- Child selectors 5m 7s
- Adjacent selectors 5m 30s
- Attribute selectors 12m 43s
- Pseudo-class selectors 3m 54s
- Dynamic pseudo-class selectors 8m 29s
- Structural pseudo-class selectors 6m 45s
- Nth-child selectors 13m 10s
- Pseudo-element selectors 12m 40s
- Targeting page content: Lab 8m 56s
- Targeting page content: Solution 7m 59s
- 3. Resolving Conflicts 42m 39s
- What happens when styles conflict? 4m 0s
- Understanding the cascade 5m 47s
- Using inheritance 6m 11s
- Selector specificity 6m 55s
- The !important declaration 4m 5s
- Reducing conflicts through planning 3m 33s
- Resolving conflicts: Lab 6m 45s
- Resolving conflicts: Solution 5m 23s
- 4. Basic Text Formatting 1h 47m
- Setting a font family 7m 10s
- Using @font-face 9m 18s
- Setting font size 7m 35s
- Font style and font weight 6m 52s
- Transforming text 3m 58s
- Using text variants 2m 49s
- Text decoration options 4m 26s
- Setting text color 3m 2s
- Writing font shorthand notation 8m 49s
- Controlling text alignment 6m 33s
- Letter and word spacing 9m 11s
- Indenting text 4m 30s
- Adjusting paragraph line height 10m 30s
- Controlling the space between elements 6m 41s
- Basic text formatting: Lab 8m 45s
- Basic text formatting: Solution 7m 14s
- 5. Styling Container Elements 2h 1m
- Understanding the box model 16m 53s
- Controlling element spacing 14m 29s
- Controlling interior spacing 10m 49s
- Margin and padding shorthand notation 6m 27s
- Adding borders 8m 57s
- Defining element size 10m 7s
- Creating rounded corners 6m 58s
- Background properties 2m 51s
- Using background images 5m 10s
- Controlling image positioning 10m 25s
- Using multiple backgrounds 7m 5s
- Background shorthand notation 5m 25s
- Styling container elements: Lab 7m 55s
- Styling container elements: Solution 8m 17s
- 6. Working with Color 47m 51s
- Color keyword definitions 5m 4s
- Understanding hexadecimal notation 6m 5s
- Using RGB values 4m 58s
- Using HSL values 5m 17s
- Working with opacity 2m 23s
- Using RGBa and HSLa 3m 8s
- Styling drop shadows 5m 38s
- CSS gradients 6m 32s
- Working with color: Lab 4m 26s
- Working with color: Solution 4m 20s
- Conclusion 1m 58s
- Additional resources 1m 58s
- Обзор стилизации по умолчанию
- Написание селектора
- Установка свойств
- Работа со встречающимися единицами измерения, включая Em и пикселы
- Правильное структурирование HTML
- Понимание каскадирования и наследования
- Установка семейства шрифтов, размера шрифта, цвета текста, и другого
- Понимание блочной модели
- Стилизация элементов-контейнеров
- Работа с RGB значениями вместо HSL
- Стилизация отбрасывания теней
Favrik: ПереводАвтор: James Williamson
Продолжительность: 8:49 чLynda.com [RUS]
CSS: Основные концепции
(CSS: Core Concepts)
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