Igor Ledochowski - Abundance Inductions [13 MP3]
English | Size: 291.46 MB (305,612,905 bytes)
Category: Tutorial
Feel inspired to follow your passions with a gusto you've never experienced before -- imagine jumping out of bed every morning excited about your day ahead and all the creative things you are going to experience that day... Experience those "aha" ideas that lead to breakthrough solutions that you've never been able to see before -- it will be almost as if solutions are seeking you out, and not the other way round...
I Can "Dissolve" The Subconscious Inner Blocks That Are Currently Preventing You From Enjoying More Abundance In ALL Areas Of Your Life...
TRY THIS: Take this 30-day experiment and "see" how your life improves in ways you could never have predicted...
I Can "Dissolve" The Subconscious Inner Blocks That Are Currently Preventing You From Enjoying More Abundance In ALL Areas Of Your Life
TRY THIS: Take this 30-day experiment and "see" how your life improves in ways you could never have predicted... When Your Abundance Blocks Are Dissolved, You Will...
Find yourself in the flow at all times with a perfectly balanced life that fulfils all your needs -- when you live from this "flow-state" there is never any sense of wasting time or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Instead time seems to "expand" and you are able to achieve what you really want to achieve in minimal time. And you always have plenty of time for relaxation and play... Experience complete peace around your financial situation -- you will drop all anxiety around money and the state of your bank balance. Bills will no longer faze you. You will always feel like you "have enough". And ironically when you are in this peaceful (non-reactive) state around your finances, you create the "space" for more money and lucrative opportunities to come into your life...
Feel like "lady luck" is guiding you through life -- you'll suddenly find yourself meeting people who will introduce you to other people that can help you, or you'll bump into someone you haven't seen for ages and they'll "open up doors" for you in ways you can never predict in advance... Give off a "vibe" that is very attractive to other people -- other's will be able to sense your positive, uplifting energy. You won't even have to say anything. Your energy will touch people on a very deep level and they'll feel compelled to go out of their way to help you...
Cкрытый контент, нужно авторизируйся или присоединяйся.
Есть такой забугорный коуч по мотивации, тренер по ораторскому мастерству с элементами НЛП и гипноза (короче мастер на все руки - кроликов обдирает и обеды дает) Igor Ledochowski .
У него много курсов, но поскольку материал специфический (требующий приличного уровня английского + курсы сами под 7 гигов), то выложу анонсы курсов и при наличии интереса создам темы (пишите в комментах что заинтересовало).
На всем известном сайте курс оного Игоря вроде бы с субтитрами русифицировали (если не ошибаюсь - один курс).
Итак, что есть пока в наличии (не факт, что ссылки долго проживут):
1. Igor Ledochowski - How To Be Hypnotic Speaker And Presenter Seminar [20mp4, 2pdf]
English | Size: 6.83 GB (7,329,041,157 bytes )
Category: Tutorial
If you go through this and follow the simple instructions you had better be prepared to have you life improve quickly and in very exciting ways. Hi, my name is Igor Ledochowski and I am about to show you
How to easily hypnotically connect and engage with any size group of people.
By continuing on - here's what you will have to look forward to
You'll see your ideas get more readily accepted and acted upon by those in your care, counsel or company
You'll finally feel you're making the most of your ideas, insights and experience
You'll be expressing yourself in a way that leads to beneficial results for you and those around you
And, finally, you'll start receiving the recognition, respect, admiration, praise, promotions and pay rises your knowledge deserves.
2. Igor Ledochowski - Hypnotic Language Shortcut System [8 mp4, 4 mp3, 29 pdf]
English | Size: 318.90 MB (334,393,478 bytes )
Category: Tutorial
What You Can Do When You Have The "Hypnotic Language Shortcut System":
You'll be able to get reluctant work colleagues (including your boss) to readily agree with and support your ideas...
You'll be able to get your spouse or partner to always act more warm and loving towards you...
You'll be able to get your kids (including unruly, rebellious teenagers full of angst) to gladly "fall into line" with your requests...
You'll become more charismatic and influential with important people...
You can make immediate and deep (I-feel-like-I've-known-them-all-my-life) connections with people you've just met...
You can quickly become THAT person that others immediately warm to, respect and want to go out of their way to help, support and give preferential treatment.
In fact: Think of any person. Any situation.
And you'll be able to influence an outcome favorable to you once you have the "Hypnotic Language Shortcut System".
• 70 power cards split up into 10 suits:
Imagination Cards, Need Cards, Awareness Cards, Linkage Cards, Pseudo-Logic Cards, Negation Cards, Assumption cards, Language Softeners, Action Accelerators, Anticipation Builders
Each card contains specific words woven into powerful phrases you can use immediately. And each card also comes with examples so you can quickly understand how to use them when you're speaking or writing.
• 4 In-depth audio trainings
• 8 Live video demonstrations
3. Igor Ledochowski - Lifelong Success System Gifts [24 MP3]
The Lifelong Success System is the latest work from Igor Ledochowski - renowned Master Hypnotist and N.L.P Trainer.
This program is targeted towards a non-hypnosis audience and is more of a self improvement program then a hypnosis training program.
It includes 12 modules covering various aspects of life that you may want to improve upon.
Each of this modules focus on a different area of life.
12 Module Set - that's 25 hours of training material.
This is not a physical product as it is delivered through a private membership site with a good discount.
Each Module is a 2 CD Set
These Modules Cover:
Module 01 - The Key To Life Long Success
Module 02 - Yes! You Can Be Rich
Module 03 - Your Perfect Future
Module 04 - The Mind Of A Winner
Module 05 - Break Any Bad Habit
Module 06 - Feel Like A Million Dollars
Module 07 - Get Motivated! Get It Done!
Module 08 - Finally Break Free From The Past
Module 09 - Perfect Health
Module 10 - You're Always In Control
Module 11 - Fantastic Relationships For Life
Module 12 - Unleash Your Full Potential
The training is flexible and you can work at your own pace.
Its also easy and simple to follow.
Just load the audio onto your MP3 player, smart phone or computer and put on some stereo headphones.
And all you have to do is just listen and you will naturally begin to improve you thinking, strengthen your mind, and gain more auto-control.
Igor Ledochowski - Beyond Self Hypnosis Complete [REDUCED] [201 Files]
English | Size: 4.30 GB (4,615,841,071 bytes)
Category: Hypnosis / NLP
WOW. Go to Bonuses and grab Disk 01. Igor walks a guitar player through several exercises and dramatically improves his guitar skills. Igor does not play guitar and has never heard this player play before. But the skills Igor uses seem to unlock a deep subconscious awareness that cuts through the mental clutter. The implications on improving your skills is obvious. Read the pitch letter for the details. This is audio only . I am sure eventually Igor will release the video, but from what I've heard so far, I'm not sure there is any added value. The Magic Shrink Ray(™) knocked about 40% off the file size. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
From: Igor Ledochowski
Dear Reader,
Have you ever felt that, no matter what success technique or self-improvement process you use, you just can't seem to make any significant (life-altering) changes in your life?
If so, you're not alone.
And let me reassure you of something...
It's Not Your Fault!
See here's the truth of the matter:
Your life cannot change beyond your mental (and often unconscious) mind map. Your life can only change (for the better) up to the "borders" of your current mind map.
Therefore, profound life-enhancing changes in your life can only occur if:
You are currently living well within the confines of your current mental map (i.e., if you are neglecting much of your natural capabilities).
Or (as is more likely the case if you have already experimented with self-hypnosis and other success-orientated techniques)...
You discover how to "extend" or "enlarge" the borders of your mind map (thus giving you more "room" to grow and evolve as an individual and, hence, achieve more in your life).
The thing is -- (and this is the problem you are likely rubbing up against) -- is that virtually every self-improvement technique will only work up to the "limits" of your current mental map.
Therefore, if you are already living at the limit or close to the limit of your current mental map then any success or self-improvement technique (including self-hypnosis) will produce, at best, very minimal positive changes in your life... or at worst...
No Perceivable Positive
Changes At All
And that can be extremely disheartening and frustrating for many people. Possibly (probably!) you included.
But again: It's not your fault.
Here is what is in this torrent:
Bonuses - Accelerated Learning & Rapid Mastery of Skills
Disk 01 - Mentalization Techniques and The Unfamiliar Room
Disk 02 - How to switch off fear, mindfullness, and Integration Breathing
Disk 03 - Mindful Menralizations and accessing your inner world
Disk 04 - Mental Gymnastics & important steps when working with your Unconscious Mind
Disk 05 - Rules for safely navigating your mind & getting pure unconscious content
Disk 06 - How to dial up your experiences & The power of Benign Attention
Disk 07 - Mindful Movement, diving into Spontaneous Unconscious Content & The strange new world exercise
Disk 08 - How to create vivid landscapes with Remembered Journeys & Unconscious Symbols
Disk 09 - How to control mental experiences without over-controlling and blocking Unconscious Content
Disk 10 - Advanced Mindfullness, Grounding & having profound Deep Trance phenomena
Disk 11 - Transformational Training & Deep Trance identification
Disk 12 - Equanimity & putting the entire Beyond Self Hypnosis system together
Disk 13 - Skills review & putting the Beyond Self Hypnosis system into action
Disk 14 - Creating an Inner Practice Room & experiencing Deep Trance Identification
Disk 15 - Deep Trance Identification Progression part 2 & the Transformation
Disk 16 - The Inner Healer Progression (physical or emotional) and Relaxation & Sanctury
Disk 17 - How to practice the Beyond Self Hypnosis system & the practice pitfalls to avoid
Disk 18 - Setting true goals with the Beyond Self Hypnosis system & using FUTURESCOPE
Disk 19 - Expectations, a student examination of skills, & conclusion Transcript Disc
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